Modify A Plan
Work with our designers to modify one of our stock plansAny of our stock plans can be modified and customized to your individual needs. Upon finding a plan that meets your basic overall criteria, you will need to set up a consultation with one of our designers to go over your preferred changes where we can discuss design concepts and floor plan modification.
All plans modified by our company are the exclusive property of Design Studio. We retain the full rights to promote and present them to the public.

Some helpful things you can do prior to meeting with a designer
Where are you building?
Bring your neighborhood plat or land survey with all the necessary information to the design meeting, as well as any covenants or architectural guidelines for the area.
Understanding your needs
Once you pick a plan or two that you think you’d like to start from, having a basic concept of the changes you’d like to see made will give the designer guidance as to how to move forward with the project.
When do you plan to start construction?
The design process of your home should not be rushed – allow a couple of months for the plans to take shape before you plan to begin construction.